Mathilde ISRAEL

Junior Regulatory Affairs Advisor

Bachelor's degree in Biochemistry and Biological Engineering
Master’s in Drug and Health Product Sciences (University of Montpellier)

Mathilde holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry and Biological Engineering, as well as a Master’s in Drug and Health Product Sciences from the University of Montpellier. She quickly directed her career toward Regulatory Affairs.

After an internship at the CNRS, which allowed her to strengthen her scientific training, she continued her learning by joining Chiesi Laboratories as a Regulatory Affairs Officer. This experience allowed her to become familiar with the various aspects of regulation throughout the product life cycle, while developing a rigorous methodology in compliance with industry standards and guidelines, particularly in terms of product registration and promotional compliance. She was responsible for monitoring activities within the department, deepening her knowledge of the pharmaceutical environment.

At ATESSIA, Mathilde provides support in validating promotional and non-promotional materials, especially for medicines and medical devices. She is also involved in activities related to product registration, regulatory monitoring, and projects linked to promotional compliance and relationships with healthcare professionals in general (charters, LEA, TLI).



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Regulatory monitoring